
Lejla Softic

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BiH ESAP 2030+ presented at the Faculty of Technology, University in Banja Luka

Melina Dzajic Valjevac and Borislav Malinovic, experts of the BiH ESAP 2030+ project for the thematic area of chemical safety and noise, participated in a seminar organised at the end...

Development of an Environmental Strategy and Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska, Federation...

Minister of spatial planning, civil engineering, and ecology of Republika Srpska, Srebrenka Golić, participated  in the third meeting of the Steering Board of the ESAP 2030+ Project. The project aims...

Increasing society’s capacity to take care of the environment – a daunting but urgent task

Do you know what environmental management is? Environmental management is systematic, process-oriented and often complex, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are taking care of the environment itself. Rather...

Biodiversity – a cornerstone of our life on Earth

Every species, including humans, is connected to and relies on each other to survive. Each year, on the 22nd of May, the International Day for Biological Diversity is organised to increase understanding and awareness...

Noise pollution – an often overlooked environmental problem

Noise pollution is a growing problem across Europe and one which many people may not be aware of the impacts. To improve the well-being and quality of life of our...

How can we sustainably manage forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Bosnia and Herzegovina is developing its Environmental Strategy and Action Plan (the BiH ESAP 2030+ project), with the goal to improve the environment in BiH and help the progress of...

BiH ESAP 2030+ aims at improving the waste management system in BiH

Bosnia and Herzegovina faces many challenges, among them, disposing of waste on illegal landfills, the lack of an organised waste collection, the absence of a viable waste separation and recycling...

The blue heart of Europe is worth protecting

Bosnia and Herzegovina is known as a blue heart of Europe due to its many pristine rivers and streams which are found here. Nevertheless, there is room for improvements in...

We continue with our activities! The second round of working group meetings held

The second round of meetings of the working groups of the BiH ESAP 2030+ project, out of a total of six planned, was held in late October and November 2020....

Fighting climate change and improving air quality top of the agenda in BiH’s new environmental...

Problems related to air quality, energy and climate change have affected Bosnia and Herzegovina for a long time. The excessive consumption of fossil fuels is heavily contributing to these problems....


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Supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina
with the preparation of their
environmental strategy.

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Copyright BiH ESAP 2030+ – 2020