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Environmental Transition in Eastern Europe – SITE Development Day Conference

Recently organized SITE Development Day Conference, held in December 2021, gathered experts from all around the world, where they presented and discussed on the important topic of climate change and...

Knocking on EU’s door – BiH is reaching green milestones with BiH ESAP 2030+

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country of abundant natural wealth, is striving to achieve the goals of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, as well as to adopt the principles...

Putting people at the centre of climate action

By Claudia Strambo, researcher at Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden and Azrudin Husika, lead expert for air quality, climate and energy in development of BiH Environmental Strategy and Action Plan 2030+. After a year marked by climate disasters, countries from all...

Climate change and natural hazards in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a gender equality, social equity and...

Climate change and natural hazards in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a gender equality, social equity and poverty reduction lens Authors: Claudia Strambo, Lisa Segnestam, Belma Jahović Discussion brief October 2021 Gender...

Strengthening environmental policy in BiH with a gender equality, social equity and poverty reduction approach

Strengthening environmental policy in BiH with a gender equality, social equity and poverty reduction approach Authors: Claudia Strambo, Lisa Segnestam, Belma Jahović Report October 2021 This policy report explores the...

Safeguarding health and environment with better chemicals management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

To protect human health we need to ensure that chemicals are safe to use. BiH ESAP 2030+, the project which is creating an environmental strategy and action plan for Bosnia...

Strategic Environmental Assessment – more than just a document

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is currently developing a new Environmental Strategy and Action Plan (BiH ESAP 2030+). Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is an essential part of this process as it...

Video: What is strategic environmental assessment (SEA)?

Documents like the BiH ESAP 2030+ establish the basis for future decisions and, therefore, influence processes that may affect people´s lives. Thus, environmental and health impacts must be taken into account in such documents...

Chemical safety & noise pollution in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a gender equality, social equity and...

Chemical safety & noise pollution in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a gender equality, social equity and poverty reduction lens Authors: Claudia Strambo, Lisa Segnestam, Belma Jahović Discussion brief September 2021 Gender...

Understanding social implications crucial for chemical safety

Exposure to harmful chemicals is one of the environmental risks in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) that is particularly dangerous to human health. However, it is crucial to note that people...


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Supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina
with the preparation of their
environmental strategy.

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Copyright BiH ESAP 2030+ – 2020