Following in the footsteps of countries of the European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina is prepared to undergo reformative processes with the aim of improving environmental protection, as well as the health and well-being of current and future citizens.

After two years of diligent work on the first Environmental Strategy, public hearings were held in the Brčko District of BiH and Republika Srpska to address the questions and concerns of citizens regarding the Strategy that will be of crucial importance for the future of BiH.
On Wednesday, 6 July 2022, in the Culture Centre, citizens of Brčko had the opportunity to participate in the first public hearing related to the draft document of the Environmental Strategy of Brčko District for 2022-2032. During the event, representatives of the Government of Brčko District of BiH and the project team presented the process of creating the Strategy, which was followed by comments and discussion.

Public consultations were also held in Banja Luka, on 19 July 2022, for the draft of the Environmental Strategy of Republika Srpska, applicable to the period of 2022 – 2032. Representatives of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology of Republika Srpska introduced the participants to the process of creating the document and the project team, consisting of experts and stakeholders who actively worked on this initiative, developed a constructive discussion with participants regarding the importance and benefits of the application of this strategic document, which will serve as a map for bridging the gap between BiH and EU standards in relation to environmental protection and better quality of life.
All citizens who were unable to attend the events were given the opportunity to submit their comments post-facto, and the public hearings were successfully concluded with an optimistic view of the next steps in the process of harmonization with the EU acquis and the protection of the BiH environment.
Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism and Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Watershed and Forestry published a public call to all interested parties to comment in written form on the Federal Environmental Strategy.