What is the ESAP 2030+?
The BiH ESAP 2030+ will be a policy document that establishes the environmental policy goals and key activities up to 2032 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It should strengthen the environmental frameworks within BiH and it is one important step for BiH to align with EU laws and procedures, and hence to be better able to join the European Union in the future.
The policy document will comprise of four jurisdiction strategies and action plans (BiH level, Federation of BiH (FBiH), Republika Srpska (RS) and Brčko District (BD)). It will provide an overview of the current environmental situation and challenges, as well as a 10-year plan on how to address these challenges.
The content of BiH ESAP 2030+ will cover the following seven EU environmental policy areas:
- Water
- Waste
- Biodiversity and nature conservation
- Air quality, climate and energy
- Chemical safety and noise
- Resource management
- Environmental management (as horizontal policy)
The development process of BiH ESAP 2030+ follows a participatory approach, meaning it will include all relevant institutions, the general public, private sector and civil society organizations, as well as the environment expert community in BiH. By using a variety of communication tools, the wider public consultation will be conducted following the ESAP 2030+ and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) development phases. Key activities include:
- E-consultation on documents as they are drafted
- Invitation to provide inputs to the draft SEA programme document
- Public forums to present the draft Action plans (thematic goals, targets and priority actions)
- A formal extended consultation on the draft ESAP and SEA documents
The process also promotes mutual respect and equality in terms of gender, nationality, religion, irrespective of place of living and income.